Some Parke County Employees To Receive Raise

PARKE COUNTY, Ind. – Some Parke County employees will be receiving a pay raise.

The Parke County Sheriff’s Office ranks in the top “5” across the state for lowest deputy salaries.

A longevity pay resolution was recently passed by the Parke County Council to try to fix that problem.

Deputies in their fifth year will receive an extra $2,000. those in their tenth year will receive and extra $4,000, in their fifteenth year they will receive an extra $6,000.

County employees in their fifth year will receive $1,000. in their tenth year, – $2,000 and in their fifteenth year they will receive an extra $3,000.

The goal is to reward those who are committed to serving long term and inspire others to stay longer.

The pay incentives are all a part of the 2019 Parke County budget which totals just under $16 million.