State Legislators Asked To Do Something About Jail Overcrowding


INDIANA  –  The state says your local county jail must house state inmates. For some sheriffs that mandate is causing problems like overcrowding. The Indianapolis Fraternal Order of Police is trying to get something done about it.

“We call upon the governor and the state house to identify solutions that will relieve the local pressure felt by the state mandate that takes up a disproportionate number of jail beds,” said Rick Snyder, in a Thursday news conference.

Snyder said in Indianapolis and Marion County, 350 beds are taken up by state inmates and that is causing the county to put sometimes violent people on home monitoring ankle bracelets. They sometimes cut those right off and commit more violent acts.

“We are in the midst of a perfect storm of an overburdened criminal justice system that is compounded by a mental health crisis and an opioid epidemic.”



Image by ErikaWittlieb from Pixabay