Sen Young Supports American Energy Innovation Act


WASHINGTON, D.C. — A bill that would modernize how Americans use and generate energy is getting the support of Indiana Sen. Todd Young and a bipartisan group of over 50 other senators.

The American Energy Innovation Act (AEIA) will reset requirements for energy companies to keep energy affordable and clean, while also investing in better energy storage practices and more efficient ways to generate America’s energy.

Sen Todd Young

“This energy bill, in my estimation, will help American workers, lower energy costs, and will also enhance our national security,” Young said on Capitol Hill Tuesday.

Young said the country is facing an “affordability crisis”, meaning some of the things Americans use in their everyday lives, such as housing, education, electricity, or gas, are starting to costs a little too much. Young said AEIA is one of many “responsible public policies” that can help address those issues.

The bill calls for the modernization of cybersecurity infrastructures within America’s utility companies, especially in rural areas. It also pushes for energy companies to invest in training American workers in clean energy.

Finally, it will start a pilot program to look into better and more efficient generation practices when it comes to nuclear energy.