North Central Parke Schools Move To E-Learning


PARKE COUNTY, Ind – North Central Parke Community Schools announced Friday that they will be canceled on Monday March 16, for students. Teachers and staff will be expected to attend school that day to develop eLearning packets and to discuss the expectations for the days ahead.
Beginning on Tuesday March 17, NCP will begin conducting eLearning days and alternating those throughout the weeks following spring break.

To Summarize:
Students will be expected to participate in eLearning Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday each week from now until a proposed return to normal school functions on April 13, 2020.

Mondays and Fridays will count as cancellation days, and not as eLearning days.

Students, especially older students, may have homework that extends into these days, but there will not be additional eLearning opportunities on Mondays and Fridays.

We are making these decisions based upon guidance from outside agencies and for the safety of all students and community members. Any updates made to these guidelines or expectations will be shared out with the public via School Messenger, Facebook, and local media outlets. Thank you to everyone for the flexibility and understanding during this difficult time.

Additional Points of Emphasis:

Students who do not have internet or device access would have packets prepared for them
Distribution opportunities will be developed as necessary for delivery of educational materials and/or packets
Attempts to provide meal packets to students and families served under free/reduced lunch plan will be made.

School Counselors will be available via electronic sources as needed during regular school hours on eLearning days NCPSC will continue to communicate with stakeholders regarding prevention and preparedness.

General Precautions:

Cover nose and mouth with a tissue or a sleeve when coughing or sneezing.
Throw tissues away after use, wash hands often with soap and water, especially after coughing or sneezing use alcohol-based hand cleaners avoid close contact with people who are sick stay at home and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them, avoid touching eyes, nose, or mouth avoid sharing drinking glasses or eating utensils, avoid sharing food to the extent practical, “social distancing” should be practiced, stay home if you are sick or experiencing symptoms associated with sickness.

Information is constantly evolving and appropriate measures are taken into account upon each new notification.

NCPSC takes the safety of our students and community very seriously.

Recommendations listed are subject to change.