Wabash Valley Correctional Officer Recognized For Courage


Carlisle, Ind. – Indiana Department of Correction (IDOC) facilities were challenged by Commissioner Carter to identify staff that should receive a “Courage Award” within their facility.  Commissioner Carter defined those that should receive the courage award as those individuals that show true leadership by making bold decisions and coming up with ground-breaking ideas and solutions.

Deputy Warden Frank Littlejohn oversees operations at Wabash Valley Correctional Facility (WVCF).  As such, he submitted the nomination below for Officer Rick Swan.

WVCF would like to nominate Correctional Officer Rick Swan for the courage award. Recently, WVCF’s Fire Department was activated for Pendleton Correctional Facility (ISR).  They spent a week there helping manage unruly offenders who were setting fires and then assaulting staff as they attempted to respond to the disturbances. Officer Swan was assigned as the Fire Incident Commander responsible for providing direction to the team.  He did so without hesitation and in a calm manner, showing true courage and leadership.

Officer Swan stated the following after being presented the award: “I accept this award on behalf of the team. They did an excellent job using the skills they have acquired in training.”