Terre Haute Children’s Museum Summer Programming Kicks Off Next Week


Terre Haute, Ind  – This summer, the Terre Haute Children’s Museum will offer two programs to help children explore, discover and experiment with the world around them in fun, interactive ways.




Museum In The Park
Terre Haute Children’s Museum

The first Museum in the Park will take place Monday, June 22 at Hawthorn Park. The 2-hour session begins at 9:30 a.m. On Tuesday, June 23, Museum in the Park will be hosted at Fowler Park. Each session is limited to 12 children.  For the first two sessions, they will be learning all about motion and how things are moving around us all the time. They will experiment with the power of wind and try moving like an astronaut. Other topics covered this summer include bugs, messy science, and build. Earn all four stickers for your special badge by completing each session. More sessions will be added weekly. Cost is $15/child for non-members and $12/child for members.





Everyday Science Club
Terre Haute Children’s Museum

The first meeting of the Everyday Science Club is scheduled for June 25 and 26 from 10:30 – 11 a.m. each day. Participants will be exploring the science of make-up removal. Many types of make-up are made with oils. This makes them stick to us, but it also makes it harder to remove. Participants will experiment to find the best way to remove make-up beyond just scrubbing hard. Cost is $12/family (includes both days) for non-members and $10/family for members. As an added bonus, participants will have access to the recorded sessions throughout the summer, in case you want to repeat or review it.

This virtual experience allows kids and families the opportunity to learn about all the amazing science that is happening around their own home. The program consists of two half hour sessions that let children independently explore the science at home. Day 1 is an exciting live video call with a museum educator that provides inspiration and instructions for the experiment using a few easily found items. Day 2 is a virtual show and share with the students and discussion revealing the science.


Due to generous donations, scholarships are available for both programs. To learn more about or to register for Museum in the Park and Everyday Science Club, including session schedules and topics, visit thchildrensmuseum.com/camp.