Over 2,400 Fetuses Buried Wednesday In South Bend


SOUTH BEND, Ind.–The 2,411 fetuses recovered from Dr. Ulrich Klopfer’s Illinois home were buried Wednesday at a cemetery in South Bend. Indiana Atty. Gen. Curtis Hill spoke at the burial, saying Indiana met its obligation to bury aborted fetuses.

Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill

“While it would have been preferable to return the remains to each city where the procedure took place, that was not possible due to the degradation of the remains and the unreliability of the records,” said Hill.



Dr. Ulrich Klopfer

The fetuses were discovered last year in Klopfer’s home and in the truck of a car on his property, following his death.




“We have identified a burial site with the purpose to memorialize these 2,411 unborn, keeping them together in rest, each of them connected by their common fate.”

fetus burial courtesy Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill


Palmer Funeral Home donated the burial plot. The fetuses were aborted at clinics in South Bend, Gary and Ft. Wayne. Each of the clinics were searched by the attorney general’s investigators. They found no additional fetuses, but did find medical records that were not disposed of.


“How many of these women, undoubtedly in despair over an unwanted pregnancy, would have agreed to the procedure, knowing the doctor was going to transport their unborn child across state lines and leave them ghoulishly packed up and stored in his garage?” asked Hill.

fetus burial courtesy Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill




The Republican attorney general has made public his anti-abortion beliefs. He acknowledged the procedure is legal in his remarks, but said he believes the right thing was done. The state did not have a law in place requiring proper disposal of fetal remains at the time the abortions were performed.


You can read more about this case on the Indiana Attorney Genteral website here.






Image by TanteTati from Pixabay